"Learn the ropes” of English – idiom by idiom!
Written for high school ESL students and adult English language learners in the United States, It’s A Breeze improves their vocabulary and cultural literacy.
This collection of 42 short English lessons focuses on specific American idioms and common phrases, organized into seven categories:
Let’s Get Started
Fun with Food
Body Language
Animal Wisdom
Colorful Language
How’s the Weather
Where Are You
Each chapter explores a single genre-specific American idiom in connection with the overall unit theme. The comfortable pace, unit quizzes (with answer keys) and index of American idioms and expressions make this unique text comfortable for both classroom use and self-study.
Provided with clear definitions, sample sentences, short readings, comprehension checks, and more, students will find speaking English less difficult and more fun – even “a breeze.”
He’s wet behind the ears.
The test was a piece of cake.
She came right out of the blue.
Do you know the words, but don’t understand the meaning? These short sentences use common American idioms. We find American idioms on television, in sports, at work, and at school.
Idioms are also one reason English can be a difficult language for many adults to learn. Learning common American idioms helps students speak English in a natural style. It makes English much more understandable.